Sunday, August 24, 2014


There's nothing about you that is so dirty that God can't clean it up.

There's no darkness in you that His light cannot penetrate.

I love the word redeemed. Just ponder the definition with me for a minute.

I'm not going to look it up, but think about those tokens that you exchange for a prize after you play video games. A better example might be the ones in Vegas that you would exchange to get... your money after you win at gambling.

Now imagine taking yourself, all of who you are right now, with all of your blemishes, scars, and sinful ways...and exchanging all of that for a new creation, molded and made in the image of God.

You walk away with a new lease on life, a hope, peace, and assurance that is incomprehensible.

That's redemption. It's a lot different than the world's version where you get the equivalent of what you deserve.

What you get from God is something that you don't deserve at all, that you are incapable of earning by your own merit.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Because of His mercy, grace, and the perfect sacrifice of His Son on the cross, this can be your reality.

So you might want to stay home and open up your Bible tonight, or swing by a Lifeway store to see if you can find a book that resonates with you, that speaks to your current situation.

Your choices matter. Start making the right ones. None of us are promised tomorrow so there's no time like the present. Just do it.

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