Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Family Party

I used to be the wife who woke up every Saturday with a "to-do list" longer than her arm. This of course included everything that I wanted my husband to get done. I would become exasperated at the mere sight of him sitting at the computer, idly enjoying his down time.

For shame! What was he thinking...that he might need to get some actual rest and relaxation in on a Saturday? I mean seriously, what right did he have to expect such a thing?

Like an angry toddler, I would share my big plans with him, hoping that he would jump up instantly and get to work.

Well I guess you could say that he showed me.

In his quiet, calm, and peaceful way, he would oh-so-kindly and politely continue his morning routine until he was ready to move on to the next thing. He never showed any frustration, just went on about his business without allowing me to perturb him.

Through the course of the day he would work, knocking off a couple or three of the 19 things I had planned for him.

And it took time, but I learned a thing or two throughout this process.

If I hadn't, I would have ended up like that girl in the Exorcist with her head spinning around madly...completely insane.

Fast-forward five years or so...we returned from our beach trip and my two little girls were planning a "family party" for the following night.

Six year old Cassidy came up with this idea while we were at the beach as a way to celebrate all of us being together at home again.

Annacie decided to bake chocolate banana bread for the occasion, and she and Cassidy made and wrapped presents for everyone in our house. Camden got caught up in the spirit of giving and wrapping as well. On top of this, they had a fun night planned that included a family dance party and lots of games.

Sounds like fun, right?

Well yes, except for the fact that our house was sure to be still in a place of messy transition from our beach trip. Did they actually expect us to stop whatever we were in the process of doing just to have fun?

Well, yes! And that's just what we did.

As I said, I've learned a few things over the years, one of the more important being that if I wait until everything is in order before I do the fun stuff...well then I'll never get to the fun stuff!

Party on!

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