Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Making Changes

Newton's first law of motion says that an object in motion stays in motion and that an object at rest stays at rest.

We're technically objects aren't we?

I look around me and see people going everywhere but in reality, not going anywhere.

A friend of mine posted a status yesterday something like "Everybody wants to be different but nobody wants to change."

That's a profound statement, I think."

The difference in people who are always moving forward INSTEAD of moving sideways or bouncing in place is this.

They realize that they are here for something greater than stagnation AND that "life's a journey, not a destination." (And yes, of course I got that second part from an Aerosmith song.)

I'm writing about my own experience here not because it's the most worthy of emulation but because naturally, it's what I understand best.

Before I continue I want to say that I am not great or even good at many things. Yet when I decide that something is worthy of being a top priority in my life, I persist with it. So don't go out and look at my garden, okay. : )

Seriously though, I've had people say to me that they wish they were as strong spiritually as I am.
The truth is I'm not really THAT strong; I'm just spiritual matters and physical ones.

In the summer of 2002 (12 years ago) I asked the Lord Jesus to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, and to help me to begin walking a new life in Him. Since then I've spent time in His Word every morning with only a couple of exceptions.

I pray either a little or a lot every day.

I'm not gifted. I've just continued.

An area that I've had to make a priority is eating healthy. I was in a situation in which medicine wasn't helping and I could either wallow around feeling miserable, sick, and tired all the time or I could make a change.

I chose change.

For six and a half years, I've been eating a healthier, more balanced diet. It requires me to actually cook real food at most meals and to clean up in the kitchen more than I would otherwise.
I've stuck with it though. I want to be healthy and I want my children to be healthy. The benefits by far outweigh the costs.

So I've continued.

I won't bore you with other examples right now.

Yet the truth is that in this life everybody wants to be on top but few are wiling to put in the effort that it takes to get there.

Everybody wants the winning lottery ticket but few are willing to work hard to acquire wealth.

The truth is though that if it happens overnight, you're far less likely to gain and retain the full benefits of the spoil.

Like children's artwork, most of life is about the process.

Yet if we're too busy longing for the final product to do the day-to-day work that is required to get there, then we'll never reach our goal."

If you are moved by this, I encourage you to pray to God for wisdom and that He will make His priorities for your life your priorities for your life. Then continue to ask Him to do the same on a daily and hourly basis."

Whatever it is that you desire to attain, write it down, break it down into steps put on your overalls, and get to work.

Today is THE day.

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