Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Right now in my Bible reading I'm in Deuteronomy. A few days back, I parked in chapter 8 for a while. I found interesting parallels between the words written there and the story of my life so far. I felt somewhat challenged by Deut. 8:2.

"And you shall (earnestly) remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your (mind and) heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not."

It was a reminder to me that there are points in time in which we all need to stop and reflect on all of the ways that the Lord has worked in our lives.

This morning, though not as a result of any plan of mine, I did just that.

I woke up thinking about how hard I worked in the garden yesterday and feeling incredibly thankful that I wasn't feeling any pain as a result.

You see, 8 years ago I couldn't have said that. My body ached from just walking around the house, doing normal stuff, and that's just the beginning of the physical symptoms I was struggling with.

Ultimately, I was led to make changes to my diet which I did, and my health has been improving ever since. I'm tempted to get more into that for anyone who doesn't already know, but that's best saved for another post.

Anyway, I woke up feeling so thankful for that. It floors me to think that I can run three miles or work half a day, physically laboring in the garden, and wake up the next morning pain-free. Those are the things that prompted me to write this post.

I've been remade... physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And that's what I'm writing about today.

Before my salvation, I was living according to what I felt, apart from the understanding that truth is in a class of its own and should not be compromised by my feelings. This brings stability and wholeness to my life that I could not begin to grasp before my salvation experience.

As Christians, our responses to the challenges of life should be reflective of the understanding that truth should have dominion over our feelings in every situation.

I'm still a work in progress, but praise God, I am learning to walk in truth.

I've been remade.

Emotionally  I was basket case, spending a big part of my life worried and in fear of one thing or another. Fear and anxiety took root in me when I was a small child, and they ran deep. I had tried to purge them with the world's version of positive thinking. What I didn't know was that if my positive thoughts were not backed by truth, that they would be of no effect.

When I began to pray, study God's word, and apply it to my life, THAT is when real change began to occur. I still get anxious at times but it is not a way of life for me anymore.

 I praise God for the rest that He brings to my soul and my spirit.

I've been remade.

When we step back and consider the work that He has done in our lives, it enables us to walk in truth, confidently and without reservation.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

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