Tuesday, March 25, 2014

12 Habits to Greater Peace

Life is kind of crazy, but we don't have to be.

Looking beyond what we can't do and focusing on what we can can make all the difference in our days.

Below are some things that I do every week, some of them every day, to bring order to my brain and peace to my soul. I hope they will be an encouragement to you as well.

1. Morning Quiet Time- I read recently that sleep detoxifies the brain. I would infer from that that first thing in the morning, it's ready for the filling.

How you begin each morning sets the stage for your whole day.

Every morning I grab my coffee, Bible, notebook, and pen, find a quiet place, and just take it all in. Sometimes jotting down my random ideas on paper (to get them out of the way) helps me to better focus on what God is trying to say to me. I pray randomly during this time as things come to mind.

Through doing this, I'm reminded that it's not all about me and mine, and that even in the midst of the world's chaos, God has a purpose and a plan.

This refocusing on the larger picture makes for a more balanced, happier me.

2. Praying Throughout the Day- Don't wait until a set aside time to pray. Instead, pray your way through the day.

One great piece of advice given to me by a friend is to take whatever thoughts you're thinking and turn them into prayers.

Doing this enables me to substitute God's thoughts for my own. It brings me courage and strength to tackle difficulties that I wouldn't have otherwise.

3. Choosing Media Carefully- Positive viewing options are hard to find. Even when you are fortunate enough to find something good, the commercials are often bad enough to negate the positive effects.

Netflix and Amazon Prime are good alternatives that can enable you to make positive choices and  avoid the rest.

Watching the news is equivalent to watching a horror movie for me, so I don't.

I get my news from our Google home page and Facebook. These at least give you the option to click or not to click, or to keep scrolling without being accosted by a barrage of negativity, unaware.

4. Focusing on One Thing at a Time- This is certainly a lost art. We live in a society that prides itself on multitasking. Yet studies have shown that multitasking actually diminishes productivity.

For many, it causes unnecessary stress as well.

As a mother of four children, I know well that it isn't always possible to do one thing at a time. Yet when we can, we should.

Scheduling, planning, and setting appropriate boundaries are all good strategies to use toward this end.

5. Minimizing Noise Pollution- And yes, I have actually heard some forms of noise termed as noise pollution.

Disruptive noise will diminish your productivity and peace.

This can be in the form of a TV that's on all day, music blaring, kids screaming, or a telephone that won't stop ringing.

Doing what is necessary to lessen the level of noise pollution in your home and workplace will be worth the effort. You'll get more done and feel calmer in the midst of your activities.

6. Orderly Physical Environment- The level of order required for productivity varies from person to person. Some people prefer a messy desk while others can't stand to have a thing out of place.

Determining what level of order promotes optimum functioning for you is important. Maintaining your environment accordingly will produce dividends, both physically and mentally.

7. Predictable Schedule- Keeping a schedule or routine that is somewhat predictable will keep you from having to make decisions all day, thereby promoting productivity and a greater sense of calm overall.

8. Exercise- People medicate with so many different things when they're stressed. Some of them are excessive drinking, excessive eating, and drug use. Any positive results from these habits are quite temporary, and typically result in unhealthy side effects.

Exercise is the perfect stress reliever. It lasts longer than any of the above alternatives, and has no unhealthy side effects.

When you exercise, positive endorphins are released in your brain, bringing an overall sense of calm that radiates throughout your whole body.

The benefits you get from your efforts will be far greater than the cost.

9. Saying Yes to Less- Most people have too much going on. There are so many great options out there. Yet, the best lives are lived by choosing quality over quantity.

You have nothing to prove. Maybe you CAN do everything, but just decide that you're smart enough not to.

Choose the best and leave out the rest. You'll be glad you did.

10. Music- Listening to music can be a great way to balance out or express your emotions. I let my mood dictate my listening choices.

If I'm craving spiritual balance, I listen to K-Love, while for releasing pent up energy I might put in my Aerosmith CD and do some howling with Steven Tyler; for reflective moments, I enjoy something softer like my Hope Floats soundtrack.

Get in tune with yourself and choose accordingly.

11. Mayberry- If all else fails, watch the Andy Griffith show. It's nearly impossible to be stressed in the company of Barney, Andy, Opie, and Aunt Bee.

12.  Keep a Peaceful Bedtime Routine- Don't watch or read things that make you excitable before bed. To much stimulation in the evening will stress the nervous system and disrupt sleep.

Be as consistent as you can, going to bed at about the same time every night. Reduce the amount of noise in your home close to bedtime. 

To tune out the noise in your head, read something soothing like poetry or a classic novel. This will help your brain transition from the events of the day, and enable you to establish calmness and peace of mind.

I hope you got something new and encouraging from reading this. If you have something additional that helps you find greater peace in your life, by all means, share. I would love to hear your ideas!

Thanks for reading.

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