Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holiday Madness

This season has been hard for me. I feel like everything in me and around me is running on fast-forward, while what my spirit longs for is to savor these precious moments with my loved ones before they're gone. It's just all happening too fast.

I'm also realizing, though, that there's little I can do to change it in this season of our lives. Our kids are getting older and their interests are so varied. Though, I'm deliberate about saying no, there are just many things that for their sake, I find myself saying yes to.

They get what they need, but I'm often left feeling depleted.

Yet, some of it's just going to be like that, right? I mean, there's nothing simple about finding balance in this world system, and December seems to make it ten times worse.

This morning, I was reminded that the only thing that stills me is to sit at the Lord's feet. I dragged myself out of bed at 4 with every intention of getting stuff done; yet, I had no greater need than to rest in Him. 

So I did.

I was reminded in those moments that He is the remedy to it all. There is no solution apart from Him. And in Him, I can find joy in all of these things that threaten to pull me apart at the seams. 

It makes me think of a response that Martin Luther once gave when asked about his plans for the following day. "Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer."

Though it sounds like he was jesting, I'm sure that he wasn't. I've been there, done that, and I know that it's where I need to be. 

He, only, is the place where any of us will truly find peace.

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