Saturday, March 22, 2014

Faith Builders

As a person of faith, you have those moments, those times when you just know that God has spoken to you.

The world, your flesh, and even your best friend might call it coincidence. But really, YOU know.

I had one of those moments a couple of days ago.

I was changing my son's diaper and I had a thought, a reminder really that I had meant to lay my Bible open on the kitchen table, so I could think on what I was learning in my morning Bible study at different times throughout the day.

I had forgotten to do that.

I had read that morning about when Moses went up on the mountain, looked over at the Promised Land, and died.

At that very moment, I heard my six year old daughter in the kitchen saying something like, "I bet Moses was scared when he heard God talking to him."

Naturally, I was taken aback.

She and my other kids recently watched the movie, The Prince of Egypt, a cartoon presentation of Moses' life. I hadn't said anything to her about my reading.

YOU might call that coincidence but I knew it was God. You may ask me why that is significant at all. My answer is this.

What may seem irrelevant to you can be a huge faith builder for me.

Some of God's greatest miracles in your life and in my life will be the things only we can see, as individuals.

He knows us and He knows that it is often what we perceive as "the little things" that make or break relationships. So He acts.

My kids and I have been reading this week about the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion.

If you'll remember, Jesus told Peter that before the cock crowed, Peter would deny him three times.

Again, that seemed a detail of little consequence.

Yet, when it came to pass, I'm pretty sure Peter disagreed.

He, who had proclaimed that he would never deny Christ had denied Him three times, and then he heard the rooster crow. What Jesus had proclaimed had come to pass.

Do you not think that made a difference in Peter's future?

I would infer from the fact that Peter stopped denying and went on to be martyred for His faith in Christ, that that little faith builder made all the difference in the world.

So when you KNOW that God had done something or is doing something in your life, don't let ANYBODY make you doubt it.

It might make the difference between staying on the right track and running off the road.

Viewing everything through a worldly lens is convenient when your circumstances are good. Yet when trouble comes, that's not going to produce.

For those times, you will need a relationship with God that is strong, consistent, and secure, one built upon the foundation of all the ways He has shown himself true to you.

You know, in Old Testament times, people built monuments as visual representations of God's mighty works.

I guess that isn't very practical for us but we could at least write them down.

When those low points come, we'll be glad we did.

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